A downloadable soundtrack

-- Gameplay inspiration: Ape Escape (mainly PS2 era)

-- Visual inspiration: PS2, DC, 2000s era, Digimon 

(or just the design of various cute little monsters)😋

The story takes place in an alternate reality, almost our present, but with a larger range of incredible cool-technologies.

Unfortunately, there is also a high increase in addicted people to be constantly online on their social networks.


You play as one of the members of a special unit (Psy-Crew), which uses unique technology to detect so-called Psy-Monsters (code name for these creatures), which cannot be seen normally with your own eyes. The Psy-Crew wears special glasses that allow them to locate these monsters and also use special capture discs that, upon contact with the creature, pull them into the disc.

Psy-Monsters are mental apparitions (Which look like small primitive creatures),

created by each of us who use mobile devices unhealthy and above all visit social networks on a large scale.


Changes in people's moods and behavior are visually exaggerated in the game so that every player immediately understands what mood a particular person (victim) is in.

Each individual monster controls its creator (human) and literally manipulates him:

-- Either brings them depression. It demotivates them and thus this "victim" becomes frustrated and may even attack the surroundings in anger.

-- Or, on the contrary, this monster can cause an unhealthy happy mood, full of endorphins. A person focuses on his "likes" or "views" and then he can run around bumping into others like a madman.

Such individual people become social zombies who walk aimlessly and constantly look at the display from their mobile device. These Psy-Monsters literally create a closed "inner world" for these human victims.

You definitely try to avoid the attacks of these manipulated people who control these Psy-Monsters. Your goal in the game is to catch as many Psy-Monsters as possible and bring balance to such a serious situation as the worldwide dependence on technology and social networks.

In this game you will meet (maybe for the first time in history) the "Big Brother" himself as the main boss.


Levels mostly take place in public spaces such as (Giant shopping malls, beaches, parks, streets...)


Social Monsters DX - Main Menu.wav 40 MB
Social Monsters DX - Azure Coral Shopping Center.wav 62 MB

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